Most relevant analyses and laboratory tests carried out
- Full characterization of all kind of solid biomass such as wood chips, pellets, briquettes, olive husk (UNI EN ISO 17225)
- Biochar and soil improvers analyses in compliance with all main national and international standards (Italian fertilizers regulation D. Lgs. n. 75/2010, iChar, IBI, EBC)
- Vegetable oils characterization (DIN 51623 / DIN 51605)
- Soils characterization (Italian DM 13/09/99)
- Digestate and compost characterization
- Bioethanol analysis and characterization (UNI EN 15376)
- Characterization of pyrolysis products and pyrolysis tests
- Analysis of used cooking oils, sludge and organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW)
- Carbon and activated carbon analysis characterization
- Plastics and polymers characterization
- Ash melting behaviour characterization (ASTM D1857)
- BET and DFT, Specific surface area and pore size distribution (ASTM D6556-10)
- Anaerobic digestion tests biogas and biomethane potential (BMP)
- ICP, microelements and metals content (UNI EN ISO 16968)
- Gas and liquid chromatography (GC, HPLC, IC)
- FT-IR and UV-Vis spectroscopy